Nicaragua’s tourism market has been aggressively, yet steadily climbing by an average of over 8% for the past 16 years straight! Integrating international travel and hospitality into our plans has multiple benefits including; a substantial source of income, free global marketing, employment and training opportunities, international inclusion, and volunteer options, with a constant influx of fresh and excited participants to aid in our cultivation of good vibes.

The Nicaraguan government has incentivized foreign investment on a globally recognized scale. For all tourism related businesses there is a 10 year, 80-100% tax exemption on property, income, import/ export, sales and more, with the possibility of a ten year extension. Currently tourism is the 2nd largest industry in Nicaragua. Due to property features and location, combined with protection policies for foreign business owners, we are confident that our plan will fulfill its purpose with little more than the purchase price to begin.
As there may be other organizations and eco friendly businesses that contribute to improving the conditions of the local community, we actually have no direct competitors! There are a variety of beach and city accommodations, but Leon generally lacks a more tropical/ jungle-like vibe. This is where we stand apart and are fortunate enough to offer an ambiance unlike our regional counterparts. Coupled with the fact that our existence is entirely predicated on our philanthropic intentions and impact, we believe our presence will be highly attractive amongst many travelers.