Vision, Mission, & Mandate

Our world is divided. It has never been more apparent that we must all work together to adapt if we hope to provide a positive future for our children. There is a desperate need to unite minds and hearts across geography and culture for the common goal of regeneration. Through modern technology and a global marketplace, the opportunity to share skills and resources is ripe, and with smart collaboration we can create new models for healthy, sustainable and thriving communities that will evolve gracefully into the future. Social and economic inequality among nations and cultures is pervasive and yet we all face the same sobering realities, from the imbalance and concentration of resources to a rapidly changing climate. Our vision is one that sees many bridges built between the developed world and underserved communities through which knowledge, resources and love can flow freely, creating opportunity, resilience, empowerment and joy for all.

Our mission is to inspire, and to extend our resources, our knowledge and ourselves in order to support the disadvantaged youth, single mothers, visitors and the community at large, through the four pillars of need:

  • Educational – developing knowledge share programs of all kinds
  • Ecological – developing conservation protection and regeneration programs, while creating sustainable organic food and alternative energy systems
  • Social (leisure and wellness) – developing philanthropic, cross-cultural programs, particularly focused on empowerment of youth and young single mothers through eco-voluntourism
  • Economical – contributing to and cultivating economic growth through, jobs, skill building, micro-loans and more

We will accomplish this mission by establishing Uno Mundo, a socio-ecotourism destination, and relevant market practices in underserved areas that promote stable growth and international inclusion. These social businesses will serve as economic drivers, pumping revenue directly into the community via employment and training, as well as financing all educational, ecological and social programs offered on site. These spaces will be hubs of cultural expression, exchange and expansion, while offering support to those desperately in need of our presence, programs and participation.