In light of current and historical conditions for orphans worldwide, I have decided to commit my life to such a cause.
Our goal is to liberate a better version of ourselves, for all that pass through the sphere of our service and space. Our fundamental focus lies with abandoned children, young single mothers and the extremely disadvantaged. Our position is to facilitate responsible outreach programs, create and offer a space to those in need, while ideally guiding them to self sufficiency, opportunity, education and love.
As more experienced minds have advised me, our initial objective is to generate financial sustainability. Love Extends is the NGO that will be realizing our purpose and Uno Mundo is the social for-profit eco-tourism business, that will be the primary financing mechanism, once tourism regains its viability. Until that day, our attention will be channeled towards the safety and survival of those enduring these difficult times.
As many of you may have heard, Nicaragua is experiencing a great deal of social unrest. This has compelled us to act more urgently towards acquiring the desired assets and initiating our programs. The socio-political climate will certainly affect our tourism business, which is precisely why this specific property is of great value. The infrastructure provides us with all necessary amenities for our youth/ volunteer programs and will be converted to an eco-lodge as market conditions improve.
The team is now concentrated on Love Extends, as our commitment to basic assistance has taken precedence due to the adverse effects that the protests have had on the community. With ongoing efforts to assist locals, we’ve already received support from many members of many groups here in our new community. I truly believe that as we experience self and global understanding through service, our love extends further and deeper in all directions.
This vision was inspired by orphans, poverty and the ideal to serve something greater, and in greater need than ourselves. If we are to support and contribute to a community, we must first understand it and it’s issues. This is another reason why and how this vision has transcended to its current form.
My experience as an orphanage volunteer has provided me with a better understanding of poverty, its subsequent effects, current methods of addressing them and the impact to follow. This gives rise to new and modified strategies of how we can be more effective with our presence. Combined with 30 years in the hospitality field, substantial youth development experience, a sufficient understanding of the Spanish language, a background in cultural anthropology and relentless humanitarian efforts, I am extremely confident in my abilities to oversee such a project.
Through the years, a very dedicated and diverse group of people have entered my life, enhanced it and continue to support it. Onboard supporters include professionals and enthusiasts from almost every field, in which all of them have offered their expertise through donated time, resources and services, for the proliferation of our cause.
At this time, our sole purpose is to obtain ownership of the necessary facilities. With such an acquisition, we secure the advancement of our vision. I ask you to consider the urgency of this endeavor and your willingness to be a part of something special and significant, while the lives of so many depend on us.
With Deep Love and Gratitude,
Your Brother,